Tuesday, May 26, 2009

CSA veggie day

Today was the first day of this summer's weekly vegetable pick up. Our share from the local farmer should give us fresh veggies into October. Into our bag North and I put: five salad turnips (eaten raw, my first time trying them, they were delicious), three zucchini, one bunch of cilantro, 2 bok choy, one bunch of carrots, two lettuce heads, and a basket of strawberries. Our portion also included 1/2 pound of spinach, but I had already bought a lot of this from the store, so I left the CSA spinach to be donated to the food bank.

Eddie (the farmer) also included a recipe that incorporates most of the vegetables. When I first saw all the lettuce, I knew that I would be making lettuce wraps for tonight's dinner, so I didn't use the provided recipe right away, but I will try it out in the next few days. For dinner tonight we ate: lentils and rice (carrots and cilantro added) wrapped in lettuce, sliced turnips and carrots with a little sprinkle of salt, and sliced strawberries and mango for dessert. It was all very fresh and tasty.