5:30 North wakes up. Reed brings him into our bed. We all go back to sleep.
6:20 North wakes up and says, "Mama and Dada" and pats each of us on the face. We talk and doze for a few more minutes before getting out of bed.
6:30 Breakfast for North: the crunchy pieces of a fried egg and two mangoes. Breakfast for Reed and Trisha: coffee, fried egg on toast and whatever mango we can beg from North.
8:15 Wave goodbye to Reed
9:00 After showering and getting ready for the day, North and I tackle cleaning the chicken yard (formerly known as the laundry room). 13 chicks in one pen require a lot of newspaper changes and sweeping!
9:30 Head out for the day. Stop at one yard sale, nothing interesting for us. On to the Farmers Market!
Lots of veggies starts and other plants for sale. Not much produce, mostly leeks and kiwis.
The Bamboo Guy uses manure from the Bunny Lady's rabbits for his plants. No, really he does! They are married!
Want to buy a rose for your sweetie?
10:00 With a bagel in one hand and feet dancing on the Plaza grass, North boogies to the live band. He starts out shy, only staying by my feet as we sit. After awhile, he becomes brave and runs up to other kids.
One day he will be old enough to climb on this tree. It is a favorite of all the kids.
North was more interested in doing yoga.
There were so many babies! I amused myself by counting the different ways of babywearing.
Toddlers in slings.
Can't find what you like? Use an unicycle!
2:00 I wake up to the laser beams shooting from my dogs eye as he stands next to the bed. I get up to let him outside. As I am up, I might as well start dinner. I think I will use up the chicken and brown rice in the refrigerator. Roasted chicken soup with rice, ginger and carrots. The soup served with spinach salad with strawberries and balsamic vinegar and homemade bread on the side.
3:15 I check on North to make sure he is still alive.
3:20 North wakes up. After a snack, we head outside to plant bulbs and flowers that we bought while at the Farmer Market.
5:30 North and I come inside to nurse and read books until Reed arrives home from work.
6:00 Dada is home! The two play while I reheat dinner and assemble the salad. We eat.
7:30 Reed and North watch part of a "Big Fish" video while I clean up. North goes off to bed and I catch up on the computer while Reed watches a movie.
Tomorrow Reed will jump in the water for a quick dive, then we will gather driftwood for the garden. Another fun day ahead!