Saturday morning, North and I rode my bike (North in the attached seat) over to a birthday party of a school friend. It was a fantastic costume party at Redwood Raks. Very cool. While we were there, Mom and Skyler went to the Farmers Market, browsed the Plaza stores and bought peanut butter from the Coo-op. She must go the the Co-op each time she visits. It is an obsession.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Halloween Weekend
Friday my mom took North on an adventure in her race car. (All cars are race cars except mine and Reed's.) She took him to the park, the Discovery museum, talked with the driver who does horse and carriage rides, ate bagels for lunch and rode the carousel. They did all this and were only an hour late for nap! I was impressed.

Sky played the harmonica a little too. It is good to have mood music.
We played at Trinidad State Beach. Going to the ocean is another requirement of a Mom visit.

We don't usually bring toys to the beach. North is really good at finding seaweed ropes and shells. He also loves digging big holes with his hands. He is becoming a great rock climber with a great strength and body awareness.

Sunday morning Reed joined us for "Boo at the Zoo." Kids in costumes, fun activities, and animals looking inside hollow pumpkins for treats: I love living up here. There is no shortage of amazing activities for families to do together.

The goats in the barnyard kept head-butting Skyler. I think the animals were confused by his big ears and long white coat.
After a nap and dinner, we drove over to the Community Center for a Halloween Carnival. North was really into the games this year. There were lots of kids around which meant some waiting times, but North was patient.
Sky couldn't understand why North won a cookie. After winning North stopping playing the game, but Sky and I stayed in. Twice, the music stopped with Sky and I right by the cookie table. He wanted a cookie like his brother! How do you explain the rules of a cake walk to a 15 month old? Luckily North was not into his cookie after the first bite and so was happy to share his prize with Sky. Whew. I was tired of walking around in circles.
This was the first year we tried door-to-door trick or treating. The boys got into the idea VERY quickly. The first few houses, I had to stop Sky from going into each house. Logically, I had to agree with him. Why should he accept treats and not go inside for a visit? It is polite, after all. After a few houses, he really got the idea and would race up the walkways to bang on the door with his brother.