All set up and ready for friends to share the event. The day started off foggy, but cleared up. I am glad I snagged the canopy to use! I wanted to ask everyone to bring their own tableware in addition to a food dish to share, but I was out-voted. I settled for bringing a compost bucket and a box to hold burnable trash, in addition to a very small trash can. With no gift wrapping to discard, we walked away from the event with a very small amount of garbage. For the next party I will move toward having an even smaller footprint...

I spread out blankets for people to sit on while eating lunch. It was like a big picnic. I cooked beans and brought tortillas and pico de gallo. My friend made rice and other people brought fruit, veggies and breads. It was a tasty spread of homemade food.

Last year I made North a birthday crown on his birthday. This year I will do the same, but thought that it would be fun for the rest of the kids to make as well while at the party.

Pony ride!

This is my running partner's son. I hope she is alright with the posting this, I love his expression! He is maturing into an amazing person. I am thankful for the privilege to watch him grow.

I think North was more into this party game then the pony and cart. He got so excited when we brought it home to stuff with treats. Before the party, I talked to him about the idea that the other kids got to hit the pinata and he would need to share all the treats inside. With it all lined out for him, he did really well sharing.

Looking for the loot.

I forgot to give Sky a chance to swing the bat. He must have been watching intently because when he realized that we were all done with it, he lurched out of my arms towards the pinata. He didn't seem to mind that it was empty and mangled.
And so ends the pictures. After the pinata I realized that we needed to move onto the cake. We sang to North and ate cake and ice cream. The cake was pretty cool. North wanted to have a shark on the top.
We cleaned up, packed up and headed home. North never took a nap, but Sky rested for about an hour. Reed and the boys played in the yard and I went on a short bike ride ( I was way overstimulated from the party). We ate scrambled egg burritos and fruit and yogurt for dinner. The kids went to bed early.
And so ended our first birthday party day.