First we said goodbye to Reed's Jeep.

At the fair we walked over to the animals first. My child climbed the fences in his excitement to see.

North was fascinated by the twin baby goats nursing. Those babies were rough! It made me hurt!

Good old fashioned turkey racing. At one point, the remote-control truck hit a turkey and knocked a pile of feed loose. The turkeys stopped running after the truck and focused in on the pile on the ground. Race over!

So we found some real races. Horse racing!

While watching the horses warm up, Reed picked out the winning horse. I wonder what the odds were on that horse. We could have won a pile of money...

Whooping cough vaccination. North was impressed by my bravery.

Both North and Sky loved the big slide. And then North spotted a little kids roller coaster. He said he was ready to ride it. In retrospect, I think he thought Reed was going to ride with him because as Reed snapped North into the train car and the ride started, North freaked. Luckily the ride operator was really good about watching for situations like this and stopped the ride. North was very relived to be off the ride and diplomatic about his nervousness. He sat in the stroller for a bit and watched Sky and Reed go down the slide.

The kid obstacle course and a carousal ride renewed his confidence.

We finished off our fair day with some tractor play. I think my boys need a tractor to play on. Can I find a broken one on Craigslist?