Signed a contract with Woodside yesterday. No going backwards now, the transition has begun.
Sky walks about 50%, speed crawls rest of time. Climbing is high up on the daily activities too. I have caught him up on shelves, the small art/snack table, and on chairs.
Technology continues to baffle me. Why can't all my electronics get along with each other and me? Is it unrealistic to expect that ignoring the pace of technological development until needed is a good strategy?
The sickness has ended. Sky still has a red spot on his finger from a lingering blister. Both kids emerged from the HFM virus with only a fever, crankiness, and a half a dozen blisters. Talking to friends whose kids have had the virus, I realize that we were very lucky. One friend's husband got sores in his mouth right in the middle of the Thanksgiving holiday. Another man called it "the new chicken pox". Whatever is is, I am glad to be through it.
Quiet time still eludes me. I get distracted by projects and adventures. I enjoy time in the forest and on the beach with my kids and dogs, but the time is far from meditative. I could be using the time in the evening but the computer and t.v. suck me in. I think I will try a class.
Camping with girlfriends, hundreds of kids and dogs at the sunny river is in my future! More blueberry picking is needed, more bike riding for North, more gardening and running with friends in the early morning fog. I love being outside in the summer....