BARTing to San Fransisco. Followed by a MUNI ride to the Museum of Science in Golden Gate Park.

Becoming familiar with public transportation is a skill that I think is very important. Mingling with the masses, knowing which side of the street takes a person to what destination, having correct change: so many behaviors that I can expose my children to and thus increase their knowledge of the different worlds all around them. (And skills I myself might need more practice with!)
We could have barreled down the freeway in our isolated space-pod, but how boring is that. My boys had an adventure.
Don't tell them it was also a learning experience.

Yikes, not the most flattering picture of my mother. I hope she forgives easily!

Same namesake; but the child grows two years older.

North and Aunt Leslie spent most their museum time together. In this picture, they are looking at the rain forest dome.

Watching the sharks feed was the first thing North recounted to Reed when asked about his trip.

Both kids were enthralled by the numerous fish tanks. We may live next to the ocean, but to have such an intimate view of the behaviors of the under-sea creature is a treat. When Sky came to his first floor-to-ceiling tank, he grabbed at the fish, tried to kiss them, yelled and chattered to anyone standing near. He was in love.

We stayed to watch the divers in the coral reef.

Thank you Josh, for taking pictures on our trip. It was such a treat to be able to travel through many modes of transportation, tracking kids, snacks and diapers, yet knowing that the memories of our great day would still be recorded without having the added concern for my own camera tacked onto the days' movements. Thank you.