Redwoods turn into steep, grassy hills. Another steep drop (people really bike on
these mountains?) back down to the coast.
Flat, beautifully quiet coastline.
Back up to the mountains, through gorgeous ranches to a lost village. My goodness, I could so live here. If I could give up Target that is.

After sleeping in the car during the drive, the kids woke up as we arrived to the campground. The kids were super excited about setting up the tent.

Reed wasn't sure about the river conditions, so I looked online to see if the stretch by our campsite was open. Reed was able to fly fish while North practiced his casting with just a bobber at the end of the line.

And although the river is strictly catch and release, I must take the blame for the killing of a fish. I distracted Reed as he was casting. As he was casting, he pulled a baby fish out of the water and bashed its brains out on the rocks.

Passed out for 3 1/2 hours after the river play.

Lazy hammock play.
The kids and I were in a boat. Periodically, I would "drop anchor" so that North could jump out and spear salmon and bass. Don't tell the warden!

Learning how to grill hot dogs.

We drove to the mouth of the river to play on the beach. We found a labyrinth from the Summer Solstice celebration.

I am working on a collection of pictures called, "North and Skyler nurse".

Totally wiped out! Camping with two young kids is exhausting! It is fun, but not exactly a mellow experience.