Water and carrots for Santa's hardworking reindeer.
About a month ago, I was feeling tired of washing two sets of diapers, so I followed (most of the parts anyway...) the advice from a book called "potty training in less then a day. Initially I was fearful of the h.o.r.r.i.b.i.l.y...l.o.n.g...t.i.m.e... most potty training seems to demand from kids and their families. So I was attracted to this idea of potty training boot camp. Our day was pretty intense, but Reed played with Sky for most of the time so North and I were able to work together uninterrupted. North took to the idea of peeing in the potty really well. The most important advice I took in from the book was to stay positive and enthusiastic.
To begin the day, North helped me give a doll water to drink and we helped it pee in the potty. We checked the dolls "dry pants' and North ate the doll's reward (d0lls can't eat, you know!) Then after a few times of that, the doll had an accident so North and I changed the dolls "wet pants" ( "wet pants are ICKY!" North loved saying that) then we practiced taking the doll on practice runs around the house. "The doll has to go pee. Run to the potty!"
During all this, North was drinking copious amounts of Capri Sun drink pouches. (special treats) He managed to pee in the potty soon after practicing the whole routine with the doll. (child visualizes process, child completes process). Everytime we checked his underwear and it was dry, he received a treat. If he peed in the potty, he got two treats. Not only was the parent expected to maintain an enthusiastic, positive mood throughout the entire day, but the child was also expected to be independent with his clothing movement and toilet dumping.
But honestly, the potty training took us more then one day. North didn't poop for two days so I was on pins and needles waiting for that moment. When he finally pooped in the potty, we were so excited, we called Reed at work. Life as a mother has its thrills, I guess.
I was hoping to be confident about the potty training by the time the kids and I traveled to visit family. We were partway successful in that North never went back to diapers, but I still put North in pull ups for the traveling parts of our journey. He still has accidents at times, although he has also demonstrated strong bladder control when his little potty isn't available. At home, he sleeps in underwear, but here at my mom's I have him in "sleeping pants". He has been dry every single morning so I think I will stop with the extra absorption soon.
Potty training is much harder then using diapers. I think if I wasn't committed to the idea of not going back and forth from diapers and underwear, I would have given up for awhile longer. Knowing that I needed to stay positive and cheer North's successes also helped me not dwell of the frustrations of the messy pants too.
Great job North! You are a big kid now!