Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanks for staying

Right now I have a pumpkin pie, stuffing and the base layer of a cream of celery soup all cooling on the kitchen counter.

I didn't intend to cook tomorrow. We were planning on going over to Reed's hometown to spend some quality family time and eat great food cooked by his stepmom.

However, after a LONG drive home on Sunday from Ft Bragg with Sky crying all the way from the Coast through the hills into the town of Leggett, I vowed never to get into a car with him again.

Until he is 40 years old, maybe 50.

Coupled with the onset of Sky's first cold and a strong need for the four of us to spend time together, I think staying home this holiday has worked out for the best.

So tomorrow North will help me make cranberry sauce (he likes to eat the berries) and I will whip up some cream for the pie. Reed will roast the bird and I will reheat the soup and stuffing.

I think we will have a good day anyway.