We all went for a hike along the trail at College Cove earlier last week.

In the last few mornings, I have been putting out flour on a tray for North to explore.
Lesson for Mama: corn flour - not so good for cleaning up, bleached flour - even worse. I need to buy corn meal!

Reed went running and snapped a ligament in his ankle. He is on crutches for a few weeks. Bummer for him, but good news for me. Because I had someone around confined to the chair (reading books to North and Sky), I cleaned out the chicken coop, sorted the boys closet, and deep cleaned the fish tank!

Skyer has been drooly practically from the day he was born, but in the last few days he has really wanted to have something in his mouth to chew on.
And so I finally caught up with the game...and look!

Ok, it didn't really show up in the picture, but it is a tooth! He is handling the pain really well. I have two chewies that he really likes and have a circulating supply of frozen washcloths in the freezer for him to use. Unfortunately, like North, Sky has begun growing teeth before he is able to consistently grasp well. It is often me who holds the chewies up to his mouth. Thus, more time in the Ergo! (it is easier to hold a chewie and continue on with our day)

Today as I was paying bills, North said, "I drawed a diamond!" And by golly, he had.

I opened our curtains yesterday morning to see this on the window frame. Yuck. It was so freaky looking that I couldn't even get up the nerve to get close enough to squish it. I sent Reed limping over to to the dirty work. Does anyone know what kind of spider it was?