Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sky has a grumpy day...Maybe he doesn't like the pumpkin patch?
Sunday afternoon, Reed and I napped the kids early so we could go to the pumpkin patch before the next rain storm. Although most of the pictures show Sky scowling and North being carried by Reed, we really did have a great time. We lucked out with the weather in addition to finding two great pumpkins. This year we are waiting to carve our pumpkins until the week of Halloween. Last year, the faces caved in from an abundance of mold. (Don't laugh, Leslie!)

North was fascinated by the rotting pumpkins. After about 19 pumpkin probes, I finally convinced him to use his boot to poke the decaying flesh.
Then His Royal Highness decided he needed a ride back to the tractor. Daddy got to prove how strong he really is.
After the pumpkin selection and tractor ride, North got his face painted, ate a corn dog and apple cider (shh, don't tell his Mama), and played in the hay maze.