Dear Grammie,
Thank you for coming to play with me this past month. I had so much fun going on adventures with you, playing in your room in the mornings, showing you around my yard, drawing all over the house with chalk (thanks Mom!), walking up the road to get the mail, taking you to playgroup and the playground, reading tons of books, riding in the shopping basket when we got groceries and so many other things.

But then little brother came and I wasn't sure how he would fit into my family. Would I have less time to play with you?

No way! We went to the blueberry farm while Mama stayed home.

We explored the sea animals at the HSU aquarium.

We played at the river!

I kissed a goat at the zoo! (again, thanks Mom!)

Sometimes you tried to sneak away and hold my little brother, but I always got you back.

I was sad to see you go, but before you drove away we did one last project together. I hope you will think of our time this summer when you look outside and see your new pot of flowers. I miss you already. When Mama and I went into your room to close up the windows, I asked, "Grammie?" I can't wait to see you in October. I want show Sky how to brush your cats and get your mail and go on adventures in your town!
I love you and will see you soon. Thank you so much for coming to visit and helping us when brother was born.
Love, North (and Trisha and Reed)