Today I went in for a doctor's appointment to check out the status of the pregnancy. I had some pretty noticeable cervical cramping last Thursday evening. It scared me pretty bad; I really don't want to get put on bed rest again. My midwife is in France right now. However even if things progress too quickly she wouldn't be able to offer more then bedside support in the hospital as home births are not recommend before 37 weeks. So off to the doctor's office we headed.
I saw a nurse-midwife who had moved from my old doctors office (now closed) to the current office. It was nice to talk with someone who had the experience of knowing North during his gestation. However, she felt a little concerned about the placement of the placenta (she thinks based upon the ultrasound report it might be placed over the cervix, yikes!) and so would not check for any dilation of my cervix. But she did feel around and had to reach way back (a good sign!). She said that the back of baby's head was laying against one side of my cervix thus causing that side to recede a little bit. I know she was being pretty cautious while she was checking as she didn't want to set off any contractions, but how does part of a cervix recede while the rest stays in place? I wasn't really clear about the meaning of that. Anyway, I am to start the same preterm labor herbal tincture I took last time and to take it really easy. But no bed rest thank you, thank you!
There is still the matter of the placenta placement. Even if it moves, I get the feeling from the medical staff and from my midwife the the delivery will be bloody and fast. Bloody from the placenta, and fast from the rate things are progressing. But then again, Kate also feels that fast births are a good thing because then there is less time for blood loss before the placenta comes out. I have been taking Floradix off and on in addition to fish oil and prenatals. The Floradix (iron) will become a more important supplement in the upcoming weeks in order to shore up my body's strength.
I feel pretty positive through all this. For me, a Cesarean because of unsafe placenta placement would be awful, but manageable. Until things are determined for certain, I will stay positive and focus on my uterine walls stretching and moving that placenta upwards! As for the baby's head pushing down, I feel OK about that too.
I accept that I carry my children low and deep inside my body cavity. When they reach a certain gestational milestone, I will slow down my pace and respect their influence upon my body. I really resist the idea of quarantined bed rest, yet I know I can find a compromise in my daily activities that allow for rest and peacefulness while the baby finishes its growth.
I hope it all works.