This morning I met with the midwife for a prenatal visit. We talked of the placenta, rhogam shot options, and of North's place within our changing family. A few weeks ago, a ultrasound determined that the placenta was laying low in my uterus. I will schedule a follow up ultrasound in a couple of months, but for now it is nothing to worry about. Kate described the situation as this: my placenta has been attached to the uterine wall for quite awhile now and although it may be low, as the uterus grows and stretches the placenta will naturally move upwards away from my cervix. Whew! I will not be taking the pre-delivery rhogram shot this time around. I wanted to hear Kate's opinion as to the necessity of the shot before finalizing the decision. As North is A positive, I got the post-delivery rhogam following his birth. I will do the same this time around depending on the baby's blood type.
Random shots from the week:
North has a little broom that he likes to use when he helps me sweep. Lately he has taken to sweeping the walls. Maybe it keeps the cobwebs away?
North was playing on the back deck in the sun a few days ago. I stuck my head out the door to see what he was up to and found him flat out on the wood looking down through the cracks. I asked him what he was seeing; he had found some old marbles shining in the dirt.