For example, a few days ago he was asking for "wa-wa", yet yesterday and today he asked for a glass of water by saying "na-na". When he says the word fish, he pronounces it "bish". As I look over the list that Reed and I compiled, I see that about many of his words begin with "B". They include: "bird", "Bas" (Basil), "Bru" (Bruin), "buck", and my personal favorite as I hear the request from morning to night, "B-B's" (blueberries!)
In the last week he started to add words together. A few mornings ago I cracked up when North walked into our bedroom after watching Reed go to the bathroom. He looked at me and said, "Dada pee." He will also protest if I turn off the computer before he is done watching You-Tube videos of fish. "More bish!"
Manners are also in a process of developing. For a while now, Reed and I have been modeling saying please and thank you as we hand him food or other items. Yesterday, when he and Reed were in the kitchen he pointed up to the fruit platter and pleaded, "num-nums, nums-nums, peas?"
I can only wonder at the range of his receptive language. He seems to understand so much of what we say to him. I can ask a simple request of him "Please put these clothes on the couch" (He loves helping with the laundry), as long as I am very simple with my words and am sharing an idea he has heard before. However, the other day I asked him to get my new blue shoes from the shoe rack by the front door. I knew he didn't quite get the whole idea because he brought me my black shoes. Oh well, at least he tried!