Our family adventure for today was a trip to the snow. Our favorite spot is about 20 minutes inland. Pre-North, we would go further up the same mountain to sled and hike around, but as the wind was howling today, we opted for a spot right off the lower road.
North was uncertain about the whole experience. In hindsight, I realize that we should have practiced with the bulky layering before bringing him to an alien world of whiteness. He was a bit overwhelmed.
Once out in the snow, he refused to move. If he fell, he would stay laying down. He didn't want to walk in the snow or touch it.
Let me show a close up of a face that sums up his thoughts on the experience today:
However, Reed and I had a great time. Taking the dogs to the snow is always so much fun. Today was Basil's first experience with the cold, white stuff also. With North so young last winter, we just didn't venture out much. Based upon how Basil was jumping and goofing off with Bruin, I think he likes snow much better then North.