I have been feeling very tired and grumpy. Reed is trying his best to stay positive, but maybe he is wishing I was still on a family visit!?
We are both trying to encourage North to be more consistent with his eating. North seems to enjoy eating, he just doesn't appear to eat very much at a time, going for long stretches between snacks/meals. I feel confident that our nursing is rounding out his caloric and nutritional needs; I have never doubted the wisdom of nursing through toddlerhood. However, I just don't feel like my own body is getting enough itself to stay in a peppy mood.
To make matters worse, I can never remember to take vitamins when I feel tired (which would help me feel so much stronger). I am trying to remind myself that this phase will not last for much longer. I just need to get through the next month or so. But how to stay cheery when a person is feeding for three on an appetite that is minimal? Augh.